Date Archives February 2009

Fifteen Thousand Dollars

The effect of this bill/amendment/law/stimulus/thing will be a matter of perception – perception by buyers as to whether they just gained $15k and be sellers as to whether they should hold out for a higher price because the buyers now have $15k more. Two of the best posts I have seen (please feel free to point out others) – Jay in Phoenix If the bill passes both the House and Senate, and is signed into law by the President (which is expected, currently.

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Is There Radon in Charlottesville?

This is what I tell my clients – a radon mitigation system accomplishes at least three things – 1) Provides peace of mind – for homeowners and buyers 2) Can be an asset when you sell your home – it’s one less potential objection from the buyers 3) It provides for a safer environment in which to live. … Results of short-term tests represent the radon potential of the home, rather than the actual exposure encountered under normal living conditions, unless residents keep the home’s windows and doors closed year-round.

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Possibly Completely Unfounded Market Analysis

Ergo – is it reasonable to conclude that a house that has been on the market in Albemarle County (I’m not looking at any other market) for at least one year should now be “worth” at least 15% less than its original asking price? Looking at three randomly selected sold properties in Albemarle County in that price range in the past three months, the list-to sell percentage was a bit more stark – 85%, 75%,74% – sold for less than the original asking price.

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Billable Hours, Straight Commission, Hybrid or Both?

One giant stipulation for this somewhat hypothetical discussion is this – in this make-believe world of fairies and unicorns, the buyer pays the buyer’s agent and the seller pays the seller’s agent – in other words, we have succeeded in rending total control of the buyers’ agents’ compensation from the seller and the sellers’ agents. ( hint : we’ve divorced the commissions ). … And when the agents representing the buyers have nothing to give away but conversely have to place a price on their services and actually charge their clients directly, the associated accountability will only benefit the buyer… So let’s assume that the buyer is willing to pay her buyer’s agent .

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