Online Crime Data for Charlottesville and Albemarle has tracked crimes and provided a public, searchable interface for the City of Charlottesville for a while.

Now the County of Albemarle will be providing this vital service as well. (read more at the DP).

I wonder how much this costs.

Thank you.

On first run, I like Spotcrime’s interface more, but beggars can’t be choosers.

I’m grateful for this tool – and I expect my client are as well. Now, if we can just figure out how to mash this up with a real estate search tool …

(Visited 27 times, 1 visits today)

1 Comment

  1. Scott Pershing March 17, 2009 at 13:52

    Jim, I agree with you I like Spotcrime’s interface better.

    Am I missing something but it appears that the data is incomplete. Looking across both systems it appears that assaults are under reported on the Albemarle system as opposed to Spotcrime. For example there was an assault on 1/29/2009 on Ivy Rd that shows up on Spotcrime that doesn’t show up on the Albemarle system. Is this due to which police department responded?

    And looking at the speeding tickets they don’t seem to be appearing completely in the system either.

    I guess it is a good first step. You asked how much it costs this is from crimereports web site:

    Is it free to join?
    CrimeReports is free to the public, and includes automated email crime alerts. Law enforcement agencies can sign up for a nominal monthly subscription fee in order to publish any and all crime and call data they wish to share. Fees range from $49 per month to $199 per month, depending on the population residing in the agency’s jurisdiction.


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