A self-fulfilling prophesy?

“Bubble’ is now the 14th most-common search term bringing visitors to my blog, trailing “real” “estate” “charlottesville” and “virginia.”… I remain confident that the Central Virginia region will continue it strong real estate market, in spite of the national potential for a leveling-off.

Title Insurance

In fact, your lender will insist on it — and you’ll have to pay. The policy protects the lender (but not you) should there be any claim on the land from former owners — say a divorced woman whose ex-husband forged her signature on a quit-claim deed, a mechanic’s lien from an unpaid subcontractor or a long-lost heir.


This is copied from a recent discussion (link requires paid subscription) on the Motley Fool by a poster describing his recent home sale/purchase success. …If I fail to do that and things don’t work out, I have only one person to blame, the person I see in the mirror every morning when I shave my face!”