Media Appearance 11-01-2007

From Channel 29, the local NBC afffiliate. I would be doing a disservice to my client if I didn’t note that this is the house discussed in the story.

“She needs to buy a house. In order to buy that house, she needs to sell a house. And it is becoming much more common. You’re seeing a lot more offers contingent on the sale of a property.”

A good, reasonable local story about the state of the housing market. Unfortunately, the video doesn’t work with a mac.

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  1. Mark November 2, 2007 at 13:22

    The thing all these overbuilding/subprime stories overlook is the fact that homes are not affordable. Even when you say “rates are at a historical low,” you miss the point that home prices are at a historical HIGH. A 6.5% rate on a $300k home is no better than a 13% rate on a $200k home (not striving for mathematical accuracy here, just making a point). Rates have to be low because people can barely afford housing. Housing was never before 50% of someone’s income, and now it is, at least in C-ville for anyone who has bought since 2005…

  2. TrvlnMn November 2, 2007 at 13:28

    Did you mean to link to the NBC29 story twice?

  3. Jim Duncan November 2, 2007 at 14:28

    D’oh. Fixed. Thank you.