Where to Look For Government Contractor Jobs in Charlottesville

With all the government folks being relocated to the area as part of the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closing) deal, one question that I am frequently asked is – where does one find information on jobs – it’s not like the DIA, CIA, NSA, etc have the most open facilities around. The National Grounds Intelligence Center (NGIC) is going to provide quite a few jobs over the next several years; being aware of their impact is going to be crucial.

I emailed a client in that part of the Charlottesville world to find out more; this is part of his response –

“Great question. Unfortunately, there really isn’t any one-stop shopping for .gov/contracting jobs in this area (niche to be filled?). All of the big players are down here:

SAIC (ed note: I really like their solar community!)
Booz Allen
General Dynamics

The best suggestion I’ve got it to hit their websites.

Theres a few one there as well. Does his current company have work in the area?

Neon Guild
The venerable craigslist.

If he’s really desperate, he could come up to Research Park and just hand out resumes…”

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  1. Jim Duncan July 29, 2008 at 13:17

    George –

    Thanks so much for the comment.

  2. CZ July 30, 2008 at 19:29

    I work for DIA, and our office may be moving to the JUIAF in Charlottesville … while I’m not against moving down (and taking advantage of some of the benefits offered through the DoD and their PCS program), the one concern I have is finding a job in this tough market for my girlfriend.

    1. Emily Weant July 13, 2009 at 01:42

      How did you get your job? I want to move down south. I have skills as a technical writer, and would love to work for the government.

    2. M January 26, 2010 at 15:43

      Hello, I currently work for another part of the government and would be interested in doing a joint duty tour or PCS to the DIA once it moves a branch to Charlottesville, VA. Please contact me if you have information about the dates for that or even a few contacts I can reach out to. I would also be interested in crossing over to the contracting side, so anyone looking for a recent CS grad with 3 years of experience and a full clearance, feel free to contact me.

  3. Jim Duncan July 30, 2008 at 19:57

    CZ –

    Thanks for the comment. Yours is a common concern. I would be happy to help you in any way possible. What field is your girlfriend in?

    Please feel free to contact me offline.

  4. Pingback: Third Quarter Market Report for Charlottesville Region | Real Central VA

  5. David Vine January 20, 2009 at 13:06

    My wife and I have seven budgerigars (parakeets). Good Avian vets are hard to find. There is one near Charlottesville.

    Also, my travel requirements necessitate our being somewhat near a transportation hub (e.g. Richmond).

    Is there a secure community of mostly middle-age people, perhaps oriented towards self-sufficiency/sustainability in the area?

    Thank you.

  6. Faith November 11, 2009 at 18:28

    Hi! I’m supposed to be transferring to DIA in charlottesville. What are some good apartments in the area? I pay $900 a month now and am looking for something around that price range. I also have a horse and am interested to know if there are good barns in the area? Thank you so much for the help! Have a great day!!!

  7. Emily Weant December 9, 2009 at 17:28

    I currently work for a govenment contractor in Maryland, and very much want to move to Charlottesville. I’m tired of living so close to DC. Does anyone have any more ideas about how to find a job in Charlottesville that will pay my bills? Currently, I do technical writing/editing. I really want to work as a federal employee; but I don’t want to commute into DC anymore if I don’t have to. I’m fed up and want to be in a more rural area.

    Any ideas?


    Emily Weant

  8. Kayla January 7, 2010 at 14:24

    I am tranfering to DIA in the next month or so and was wondering what types of jobs are there for my husband he has a T.S. clearance. Also where is a good palce to live that isn’t too expensive (no apartments we are looking to rent a house) Last questionandn this may sound stupid but is there any type of military housing or small base? ( i am in the military)Thanks so much for your help

  9. Pingback: NGIC and DIA – What’s the Impact on the Charlottesville Real Estate Market? | RealCentralVA.com

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