Charlottesville Tweet Up – 12 December


Wednesday December 12. Noon-2

Location – Rapture on the Downtown Mall – Reservations have been made (they’ve got my credit card) 🙂 . The Tweetup’s been registered on upcoming.

What’s a Tweet Up?

It’s a real world meeting between two or more people who know each other through the online Twitter service. (Don’t know what Twitter is? Click here to find out.) Not using Twitter yet? Maybe it’s time to start! (But you are welcome to attend the Tweet-up, either way!)

The last Tweet Up in July was successful, and I have a feeling this one will be at least doubly so.

So far we have –

@sashafarmer @Marijean @jbouie @sumidiot @juphoff @hchorey @seantubbs @emccullough @RealEstateZebra @strduo, @kikijean and a few more

If you’re interested, please leave a comment here or let me know on Twitter – I’m @JimDuncan – or just show up.

One question – Should we have appetizers? Food?

If you happen to tweet about this, try using #cvilleweetup so we can more easily monitor tweets.

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