Charlottesville Twitter Updates for Week Ending 7 February

  • RT @G2Architecture:first analysis shows a 17% return on investment for #green insulation upgrades at my house-was hoping for 30%,but not bad #
  • Night sledding. Woot. (Yeah, I’m still a child) #
  • @bob_wilson You mean, there’s more to it than that? in reply to bob_wilson #
  • RT @outskirts: we need more snow. local schools may get to open this week. #falsesnowmaggedon #
  • I think I’ll wait until about 3 to go sledding. Hopefully things will be a bit more iced-over; then we’ll go *super*-fast! #
  • @ProfessionalOne #RTB has to be staged w/ levels – I see the parallel as evidence of futility, rather than specifically against. #
  • An argument against #RTB cc: @robhahn @professionalone @mayareguru #
  • RT @bfinnegan: I heard that if the power goes out, panicking keeps you warm. #
  • Showing today delayed until tomorrow. #
  • Quite disappointed that we got only ~10 inches of snow. #
  • Correction: heavy sleet. @CBS19Weather That we haven’t lost power yet is remarkable. I want snow! #
  • Sounds like some real driving sleet out there. @CBS19Weather #
  • Power just flickered. #
  • Seeking Chainsaw-Wielding Citizens in Charlottesville and Albemarle #
  • @jsheehan200 We do; ultimately eliminating single-agent dual agency is the goal. Designated must be an option. in reply to jsheehan200 #
  • @mattrathbun I’ve been told – many times – by consumers & clients that they perceive Nest to “get it”. in reply to mattrathbun #
  • @rsajja also – in reply to rsajja #
  • @benjaminbach @mattrathbun @PhxREguy Agreed that there can be and are differences, but do consumers recognize this difference? in reply to benjaminbach #
  • @rsajja @PhxREguy Standards, ideals, goals, focus on clients in reply to rsajja #
  • @mattrathbun @PhxREguy @SarahStelmok question is – do consumers recognize differences? in reply to mattrathbun #
  • @PhxREguy Agreed. Big brands (so far) have proven homogeneity is the rule. Setting is standards is bold & recognized. in reply to PhxREguy #
  • @karenstl @PhxREguy Ha! We’ve given clients our signs. 🙂 in reply to karenstl #
  • @PhxREguy @ProfessionalOne I’m starting to disagree; if the brand is *great* consumers care. (we’re seeing this @nestrealty) in reply to PhxREguy #
  • I’m thinking we’ll lose power #
  • @ProfessionalOne @phxreguy agents may, but do consumers care? in reply to ProfessionalOne #
  • RT @dougfrancis: @DocuSign what about a t-shirt? [Shameless. (Me too!)] #
  • RT @DailyProgress: Getting info from the scanner and reporters that trees are starting to break under the snow load. #
  • Off to the gym. #
  • And that’s the thing with the #RTB conversation. I’m too busy working with & for clients; carrying forward the #RTB is a full-time job #
  • Possible good news. The foreclosure has allegedly been delayed. Persistence pays off. #
  • @randomclapper 2 inches so far, expecting (and I’m hoping for) an additional 26! in reply to randomclapper #
  • On hold now with what seems to be a useful person interested in helping; unfortunately the hold music is apparently from a 70’s porn #
  • Talking with a loan/debt servicer, trying to convince them that letting us close is better for everyone than foreclosing. #
  • Roads in Crozet are slushy; driving slowly is recommended. #
  • Have some Perspective- Snowmageddon (aka snOMG) is Upon Us at #
  • For some fun, go to Google and type in “why ” and see what Google suggests … #
  • Dropped off two relo packages in the mail, prepping for an #RTB conversation, hoping to show a house at 11:30. #
  • RT @MudhouseCrozet: Crozet Hardware just received a shipment of snow shovels… get them while they’re still there! #
  • So long as I don’t lose internet during this storm. Or cell service, all will be well. Talking to you, Verizon & Comcast #
  • The Harris Teeter feels like the Food Lion at Duck on Saturday afternoon. And all I want is beer. 🙂 #
  • RT @sumidiot: gotta admit, i’m a little confused about declaring an emergency before anything actually happens. #
  • You want Charlottesville real estate data? I’ve got Charlottesville real estate data. 🙂 #
  • @ProfessionalOne @MayaREGuru @JimDuncan @toddwaller Really looking forward to it! in reply to ProfessionalOne #
  • @Caartweet How can a “member only” twitter account be unprotected? #
  • RT @TobyBoyce: I don’t care if you are fighting with your wife or other real estate agents. [fixed the “agents”] #
  • RT @jmckeever: Congratulations!! RT @chadratliff: Just found out I was accepted to attend TEDxNYED [wow!] #
  • Want a copy of the Nest Report? DM me. @NestRealty just put the finishing touches on the report. #
  • RT @JBern: The drama surrounding NAR and @tcar is getting annoying. That is all. [#matters :)] #
  • Re: #snowpocalypse in Charlottesville: this is a once-in-a-lifetime winter. Let’s make sure we (and our kids) enjoy it! #
  • RT @BradOwens: From the NWS: Total accumulation of 16-24″ 6am Friday till 10PM Saturday !!! #Snowmageddon #
  • Photos done for one new listing in Crozet, arriving at 2nd new listing now. #
  • RT @DailyProgress: Can we stick with the tried and tested #snowpocalypse ? Or do we have to think of some new clever bit? [Snowpocalypse2] #
  • Just got some excellent feedback from a friend, for which I am grateful. #
  • @CBS19Weather did I hear you say more snow on Tuesday? in reply to CBS19Weather #
  • My Verizon blackberry has been on 1xev for the past several hours. No email. Meh. #
  • RT @newmediajim: RT @steverubel Go Big, Get Your Employees on the Bus or Go Home #
  • RT @Rick_Sincere: RT @FoundingLegacy: “If government has no favors to sell, no one will spend money trying to win them.” — John Stossel #
  • Learning history of Agency before we may try to change it (@ Virginia Association of REALTORS) #
  • @stevewhitaker I like rumors, but our region panics enough at prospect of 3 inches, much less 40.I figured asking the source was responsible in reply to stevewhitaker #
  • @jcunwired @stevewhitaker @NBC29 re: 40 inches – see statement from VDOT on http:g/ in reply to jcunwired #
  • Now, off to Richmond. Will address @stevewhitaker later. 🙂 #
  • @stevewhitaker Callously it’s impossible to serve *everyone*. Sometimes focusing on “vast majority” is called for in reply to stevewhitaker #
  • RT @DRPnet: I’m proposing a snow plan for schools-buses only run on main corridors & parents have to get kids to snow bus stops or 2 school. #
  • Prepping to go to Richmond for a meeting to discuss Agency. #
  • VDOT says “Any story that we are “expecting” 40-50 inches of snow is incorrect.” – But when will we have school again? #
  • @sajego @kelkel926 @hull darn seesmic (me, really). My two personalities are overlapping. in reply to sajego #
  • Off to the gym. #
  • Albemarle County Schools closed tomorrow. I know. You’re shocked. #
  • Hey @511northwestva All the rumors I hear of snow coming in excess of 20 inches start with “VDOT says ..” – how much snow are you expecting? #
  • RT @DailyProgress: Conflict grows over planned Crozet gas station: … #
  • Off to see a new, potential listing in Crozet #
  • Sirens in Crozet. Apparently there’s already a wreck. Be safe, people. #
  • That I actually need milk is unfortunate. At least I’ll be able to witness the snowpanic first-hand. snOMG #cville #
  • RT @JimBain1: Who in Charlottesville is selling snow shovels? #crowdsource #
  • RT @cvillenewscom: @Smallchic For bonus points, both of you should race down the aisles, riding the carts, screaming like muppets. #
  • It’s snowing in Downtown Charlottesville. #
  • RT @rprav8r: Ack! It just started snowing in Crozet. Just a teensy bit. #
  • RT @rprav8r: Ack! It just started snowing in Crozet. Just a teensy bit. [yay!] #
  • RT @CBS19Weather: Coming up in a few minutes: what do the computer models say about this weekend? (tk) [well??] #
  • Remarkably frustrated. With things that are out of my control. #
  • Sitting in the living room of my newest listing ((Crozet, 22932)) #
  • RT @tomperriello:We can’t let China win the clean energy market.USA can do it better and we need those jobs here. #
  • 40 inches of snow this weekend in Charlottesville. I heard it on Twitter, so it must be true. cc: @amywebb #
  • Speed trap on 250 bypass. Westbound at McIntire Park. #cville #
  • RT @johnmijac: Duplicity in mother-of-all mortgage walkaways – Real estate- [but homeowners should stay?!] #
  • @k12albemarle: CBS19 on how Albemarle Co. decides whether to close school. Reporter follows road assessment team: #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: City Council sets goal of getting 15% of Charlottesville’s home as ‘affordable’ by (cont) #
  • #atthegym Woot. #
  • @CBS19Weather I’m hearing rumours of a foot of snow this weekend. Truth? (‘cuz I say, WOOO-HOOO!) in reply to CBS19Weather #
  • Putting in another listing. Think I’ll write a blog post about my 3 newest listings. All have woodstoves. 🙂 #
  • My house’s assessment in Albemarle County went down nearly 10%; what about yours? #
  • RT @chadratliff: RT @k12albemarle: All Albemarle County Schools closed Tuesday 2/2/10 due to road conditions. #
  • @robhahn You can’t defame people on the internets. They’re just <i>blogs</i> afterall. in reply to robhahn #
  • Kid just got a text message; Albemarle County schools are closed tomorrow. #
  • Talking to someone about @Diversesolution – telling him how much I love them. #
  • Pole hit by Dominion Power #
  • Thanks, USPS. You have now lost 3 relocation packages I have sent out. You’ve cost me money. Goodbye. #
  • I’m Not Sure what “Speak Up for our Schools” means yet #
  • I’ll be shocked if Albemarle have school tomorrow #
  • Apparently, plowing mostly stopped at Owensville Road on Garth. #
  • An excellent question begging clarification re: proposed Yancey Business Park in Crozet #
  • On the ethics of “strategic default”… | VARbuzz #
  • Seriously, what would it take to make USPS deliver only 3 days a week? #
  • @bradcoy @bnix Knowing when & how to engage is key. Knowing when to listen is important as well. in reply to bradcoy #
  • RT @bradcoy: @bnix re: avoidance not being easy. SO true yet *disengaging* is not talked about as a value. It’s important. #
  • RT @tcar: Oh, except it’s awaiting moderation. Here’s a screenshot. #
  • Yep. Albemarle County Schools closed tomorrow. Shocking. #
  • Dominion Power hit one of their own poles at Park and High in Crozet. #
  • What are the chances of Albemarle County schools being open tomorrow? I say 10%. #
  • RT @bradcoy: avoiding the suck of the to focus on what’s more meaningful on Sunday. my business. [A MEN.] #
  • @robhahn Constructive criticism is key. Public or private. Present solutions rather than merely bitch in reply to robhahn #
  • RT @calculatedrisk: TARP Inspector General: Government Programs “risk re-inflating that bubble” [who knew?] #

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