Twitter Week in Review

  • RT @NBC29: Cville cyclists came together Saturday to brainstorm how to make the city's streets more bicycle-friendly. #
  • @MaggieMcCoy Points? There are points in foursquare? #foursquare in reply to MaggieMcCoy #
  • Recaptured 70 gigs on my macbook pro by moving imovie files to Time Machine. Sweet. #
  • Interesting watching the increase in foursquare check-ins in Charlottesville w/ the surge of visitors thanks to UVA's graduation. #
  • I just became the mayor of Anna's Pizza on @foursquare! #
  • Thank you, Fox for showing the UEFA Championship. #
  • Um. What? #
  • Crozet Farmer's Market. Woo. #
  • RT @NBC29: Problem Solved: The orange fence in Crozet moved back & most of the parking, blocked off last week, is available again. #
  • @mayaREguru coming at you soon. 🙂 need more than 140. in reply to mayaREguru #
  • @mayaREguru Facilitation is different than representation. in reply to mayaREguru #
  • RT @KristenCarr: @mwurzer Finding books for grown up girls not about sex and vampres is hard too! [Books?] #
  • RT @KrisBerg: Adult humor alert (but very funny). The Onion on Foursquare #
  • @tcar the chances of Charlottesville being 4G before the next great phone arribes are nil. + the $10/month "4G surcharge" = I stay w/ VZW in reply to tcar #
  • @tcar I have my eye on the Incredible. Thinking the switch from BB to HTC may be daunting but worthwhile. in reply to tcar #
  • @mayaREguru It is impossible to represent two sides' respective best interests. Only winner is SA dual agency is the agent. in reply to mayaREguru #
  • @mayaREguru how does single agent dual agency fit into #RTB in reply to mayaREguru #
  • Thanks to @cloudbrain for this: The World is Flat. #
  • Trying to find a furnished, short-term rental for clients = near impossible task. Suggestions? #
  • RT @justincbeck: If I were going to work today I'd have done it on my bike. [If I didn't have lunch in town, I'd be car-free today] #
  • Why walk to school? #
  • RT @ChrisPirillo: Leave Your Car at Home and Bike to Work Today – #
  • Finishing up a market analysis. Looking forward to the riding my bike to listing appointment in the morning. #
  • RT @tfjtolson: Crozet Adv. Council meeting at The Meadows tonight 7PM.Come review the draft revisions to Master Plan #
  • Riding my bike to take video of house for out-of-town client so she doesn't have to drive to Crozet. Take that, carbon footprint! #
  • Where I am. #
  • @rprav8r I do! in reply to rprav8r #
  • Why did they just go down Monticello Ave? #
  • RT @copyblogger: The Most Useless Word in the English Language (And Why You Should Get It Out Of Your Life) – #
  • It aint NoVa traffic #
  • Get to spend this gorgeous morning in local Realtor Board meeting. Woo. #
  • @staceyharmon @AndreaRealtor @ReggieRPR The best small business FB strategy may be to avoid it. in reply to staceyharmon #
  • @AndreaRealtor This "10k 'fans' to have custom landing page" #Fail is tremendously short-sighted. It's like a 6 yo speaking before thinking in reply to AndreaRealtor #
  • @AndreaRealtor @ReggieRPR @staceyharmon I might pay to have FB go away. in reply to AndreaRealtor #
  • Kid's soccer championship in penalty kicks. #
  • RT @ussoccer: Gooch trains with the #usmnt for the first time… he arrived yesterday. All 30 players in camp now. #
  • RT @victorlund: RT @gregrobertson MLS data selling decisions… [I'm looking forward to 18 months of hindsight] #
  • RT @AltosResearch: Mind the Gap: Where would home prices be if the bubble never happened? from @mikesimonsen #
  • Looking at new construction with clients; seeking to incorporate Universal Design as much as feasible. #
  • RT @mattrathbun: Sitting at VA RE Board Committee on Regulation Review….. Very interesting changes coming [such as???] #
  • @cvcvo Ed Burton knows his stuff. Frighteningly so. I'll re-listen to the whole show later. in reply to cvcvo #
  • RT @PCRealtor: Mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures break records…. [I wish we had local data] #
  • Time to see about a surprise listing, then walkthrough & short sale closing. Then more stuff. #
  • It's depressing to hear so many questions re: Kagan's sexuality (who cares?) & so few about her qualifications. #
  • RT @Schae_rad: Important report on America's growth, diversity, challenges facing cities via Brookings Inst: #urbanism #
  • Just listened to a very sobering conversation on 1070am. Greece should go bankrupt, Euro in freefall, more European counties declining. #
  • RT @mtechman: @JimDuncan voted for you as best realtor in 2010 Daily Progress 2010 BEst Of Poll – enjoy your informative market overviews #
  • @mtechman thank you! in reply to mtechman #
  • RT @nikiblack: These days, pretty much everything is suspicious, I guess. [ ] #
  • Came dangerously close to being hit in the crosswalk at Crozet Elementary this morning. Walking to school has challenges. #
  • RT @robhahn: AZ to Los Angeles: I call your bluff, and raise you ALL-IN! #
  • Reading: The importance of housing location – #
  • RT @chrisbrowntv: RT @PrestonCNN: Rand Paul: He has a msg. from the Tea Party – "We have come to take our govt. back." #ky #teaparty #
  • RT @bnix: RT @ChaoticMark: so long facebook. and good riddance. account deleted. [punk rawk] #
  • RT @latimestot: 'Tea party' supporter Rand Paul wins GOP Senate primary in Kentucky #politics #tcot #p2 #
  • RT @mortgagereports: #Lost just extended by 3 episodes! Writers wanted more time to answer "questions" –> #
  • @paulderb the development. It was devoid of soul, character. Full of artificial, contrived "life". A sad, depreciating facade. in reply to paulderb #
  • I'm off to see a listing … #
  • @mtechman do grades matter when social promotions exist? in reply to mtechman #
  • Sovereign immunity in Charlottesville. W.T.F? #
  • RT @mortgagereports: Germany bans naked short selling, sparking more safe haven buying in MBS. Also, Germans love David Hasselhoff . #
  • Showing a house in a development devoid of any soul. #
  • Yet another bank's underwriters won't accept @DocuSign sigs. Everyone but the underwriters acknowledge that they *can* accept them. #
  • RT @davidalston: Learning to trust my "stink"stincts. Definition: if your gut tells you its a rotten idea, yeah, it's a rotten idea. #
  • @jjhutley Just some dust in a fire alarm or something. 2nd Floor was evacuated. Now they're all back inside. in reply to jjhutley #
  • Gleason Building #
  • RT @outskirts: acac building/construction area evacuated. #
  • Awesome tip from a client re: getting a car for my kid: get stick shift, thus limiting # of friends who could drive it. #
  • The two most common buttons I click on FB are "ignore & "block" #
  • I just became the mayor of Crozet hardware on @foursquare! #
  • Going to be rolling back my blog to pre-infection state. Before the f-ing hackers infiltrated. Thanks to @6sync for being such a great host #
  • Finishing up a market analysis. Seeing that Charlottesville assessments are, in this case, fairly accurate. #
  • RT @HenryGraff Got booted from grounds by UVa Police under the order of Leonard Sandridge. [???] #
  • Alright, Charlottesville – where are the places to watch the World Cup this year? #
  • I've exceeded my @DocuSign limit. That's a good thing I think. #
  • You just couldn't make this up. #
  • Saw a house today that's been on the market for *well* over 1000 days. (The recession's over, right?) #
  • RT @newmediajim: Dear "special police", it's a public building, on a public sidewalk and actuallly I CAN take pictures of it! ktnxbai! #
  • One market analysis done; another one to finalize this evening. Time to go show a few houses in Crozet. #
  • RT @Ribeezie: New ebook! Real Estate Blog Blazers: Interviews w/@pasadenaviews @tboard @ines @jimduncan @nashvillebrian #
  • Just did interview w/ @NBC29 discussing the real estate market in Old Trail.Nice to say something positive about the market for a change #
  • @ohmybrain @SteveGaines62 who's building the mobile internet infrastructure then? in reply to ohmybrain #
  • I wish I could sue the hackers who infected my site w/ malware. Actual damages & mental anguish. @google still thinks I'm a bad site. #
  • I'd really like for @google to look at my site and bring it back to the land of not-sending-malware. #
  • RT @DaniloB: Isn't this what got us in mess in 1st place?! RT @borrowing ESSEX MORTGAGE BANK ADDS 105% LOAN TO (cont) #
  • RT @REBlogGirl: Gigantic Plumes Of Oil Are Forming Under The Gulf — Spill Vastly Worse Than It Seems On Surface #
  • @edibleCville @MasToMillers @BellaEats Best non-chain restaurant around Barracks Road? in reply to edibleCville #
  • RT @HabitatStore: On sale this week…all red-tagged high-end furniture is 30% off, all medina cabinets 30% off, and all paint is 15% off. #
  • @toddwaller better news: tall grass is much more environmentally friendly & respectful than short. in reply to toddwaller #
  • Showing condos & townhouses to a UVa resident; it seems I'm showing more foreclosures & short sales today. #
  • @PhxREguy @TomRoyce if they were to implement the FairTax, all would be well. in reply to PhxREguy #
  • @MasToMillers @edibleCville @BellaEats Have you seen Foodspotting? #

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