March 2014 Note – Coaching Soccer, Market Update, Client Thoughts

I’m aiming to publish by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Curious or interested in reading some stuff I’ll likely never publish elsewhere? Too many posts in a month and you want just one email a month in which I recap some of the better stories from the previous month? Two clicks and you can subscribe.


This month, some of the stories that might make the cut:

– Coach soccer again

– Validating clients’ decisions

– The Market

– Coaching clients

– Link to a great economic slide deck from the National Association of Homebuilders’ economist

– Thoughts on the real estate “industry” and how it’s defined

– Taking good listing photos

– Pocket listings and accompanying frustrations and risks

– Blog round up of stories from February on and

– Thank you and thoughts on the note’s open rate (how many of you actually open it every month)

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