WNRN Radio – 7 September 2014 – Lots to Talk About

This Sunday should offer a fun hour of radio. Thanks to Rick for asking me to join him on Sunday, I asked friends for topic suggestions to fill an hour of live radio. We should be ok.

Suggestions welcome.

Tune in this Sunday at 11 on WNRN.

I asked for suggestions, and some of the early ones are

– This should be a fascinating topic, should be get to it – America is rapidly aging in a country built for the young

– Which meshes well with this – “What will be/is the impact on the Charlottesville / Albemarle economy as the aging baby boomer population moves from homes, to apartments to retirement communities and assisted living over the next ten years.”

– And this – “Who are the local first time buyers? Are they local? What types of jobs do they have? Starter properties affect the entire real estate food chain, so I’d like to know if our local economy provides opportunities for them.”

– And ties in with this – “Impact of bringing to market so many high-end apartment plexes in Charlottesville over the last decade, most recently The Flats at West Village for the students and CityWalk for the yuppies.”

We have a lot to talk about.

– “Realistic pricing for sellers. when I had to sell my mom’s condo in CT, I first visited competing units and saw how long they had been on the market, and then priced to sell within 90 days – didn’t give it away, but did not want to sit on it for a year, either!”

Some of Rick’s early thoughts as we prep

– What makes a good neighborhood? (coincidentally, I’ve had this tab open for a couple days – When buying a home, what do you want to live or not live next to/nearby?)

– Uber (and urban vs suburban vs rural)

Triangles (a story I wrote last month)

And I love this prompt – “What do we discuss for listeners who aren’t buying/selling but want to learn more about our area?”

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