How On-Time is Charlottesville’s Amtrak?

Great transit is darn near a necessity for a lot of people, particularly those moving to Charlottesville from cities within the US and from Europe who are accustomed to, and dependent on, trains. Living in the City of Charlottesville without a car is doable, with the combination of bicycles, Zipcars and taxis (and you know, walking).

Amtrak runs from Charlottesville to DC and New York, but how on-time is it? I’ve taken it a couple of times, and my daughter takes it frequently, but I wanted more opinions than that:


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  1. Franklin February 27, 2015 at 06:31

    Thanks for the article. You always help us indirectly with many wonderful resources.

    1. Jim Duncan February 27, 2015 at 06:33

      Thanks, Franklin, and you are quite welcome.


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