Why? (Search queries)

Why do I get at least three queries a week coming to my blog from the Google search criteria of "it's it's yellow, let it mellow"? Oh well, so long as the traffic is there ... People are also searching for "finding a good Realtor," "Virginia real estate trends" and "charlottesville VA real estate."And running neck and neck as the top two search words -...

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Eminent Domain in our backyard?

Does anybody really think that assessed value is equivalent to fair market value?" Greene officials will not disclose their financial negotiations with landowners but say they are offering 50 percent of the assessed value of each acre that the pipe runs through."The subject property almost doesn't matter. To offer half of a property's assessed value is, on the face, criminal and unethical. Further investigation should...

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Weekend is slow …

Which is not an altogether bad thing. It's been a busy week and I have actually had time to clean around the house, walk the dog with the family ... walked to show a house to a client, so it has not been an altogether non-real estate day. There are several emails to which I need to respond and I will try to do that...

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