More on Meadowcreek

Whoo-hoo! Another study! The DP is on the ball.

Most people involved with the parkway, which has been on Charlottesville’s and Albemarle County’s wish list for decades, consider the interchange a necessity. … Tolbert anticipated having the engineering designs completed in 30 months, at which point a steering committee of neighborhood representatives and public officials would recommend one for construction once funding is secured.

Therein lies the biggest catch.

The interchange is anticipated to cost about $25 million, none of which has been set aside.

At the rate VDOT disburses road construction cash, Tolbert said it could be another 20 years before the city and county have collected enough money.

And this is the fun part. We can’t do the Parkway because we don’t have the money. We won’t do the Parkway
because we don’t have the money. We won’t set aside or try (try, dammit!) to find the money to save just in case a miracle happens and those in government put the people first. Self-preservation in government leads to ineffectiveness and incentive to delay action rather than assume the role of actual leaders and LEAD.

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