
“The Albemarle supervisors want to look at a
possible transportation link benefitting those who live along Stony Point Road.
They want to explore a road that would connect Route 20 North with either Rio
Road or 29 North. The supervisors hope to team up with the city and the state
highway department to pay for a study. Supervisors’ Chairman Dennis Rooker
notes this connector road is in the county’s 20-year road plan.”

In the planning stages … from WINA.

Albemarle supervisors want to look at a possible transportation link benefitting
those who live along Stony Point Road. They want to explore a road that would
connect Route 20 North with either Rio Road or 29 North. The supervisors hope
with the
and the
state highway
to pay for a
Supervisors’ Chairman Dennis Rooker notes this connector road is in the county’s
20-year road plan.”

The bolding
is mine. Ha. I hope my grandchildren are able to find alternate routes around
the construction.

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