Ordered this today.

I ordered Neal Boortz’ new Fair Tax book today. What are the arguments against

Wouldn’t you love to abolish the IRS …
Keep all the money in your paycheck …
Pay taxes on what you spend, not what you earn …
And eliminate all the fraud, hassle, and waste of our current system?
Then the FairTax is for you. In the face of the outlandish American tax burden, talk-radio firebrand Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder are leading the charge to phase out our current, unfair system and enact the FairTax Plan, replacing the federal income tax and withholding system with a simple 23 percent retail sales tax on new goods and services. This dramatic revision of the current system, which would eliminate the reviled IRS, has already caught fire in the American heartland, with more than six hundred thousand taxpayers signing on in support of the plan.

I can’t respond yet, as I am not yet sufficiently knowledgeable, but give me a few days!

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