The Parkway is coming

From today’s Progress

Remember that debate over whether or not the Meadowcreek Parkway needs an interchange to work? … An at-grade intersection was a much cheaper design that would have allowed construction on the parkway,
under discussion for 38 years, to begin sooner.

Read that again – 38 years this road has been talked about, studied, polled on … and on … and on. We could probably have planned and implemented some form of mass transit by now … We finally have the money (pork be damned).

To gain some history on the Meadowcreek Parkway, cvillenews is a great place to begin. Quite simply, our region needs more, more efficient infrastructure to cope and deal with the growth. This, along with the recent water progress, is a good place to start. Anything to improve denizens’ quality of life will improve real estate values, both financially and intangibly.

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  1. Neil Williamson August 8, 2005 at 13:44

    25 million from the feds is great but don’t start the bulldozers yet. Today’s Daily Progress quotes Kevin Lynch “the interchange wasn’t the only condition in my support of the parkway.”

    Stay tuned.

    Neil Williamson
    Free Enterprise Forum

  2. Jim August 8, 2005 at 14:13

    Ah yes, there is always the hedge. If nothing, this makes politics fun to both watch and participate!


  3. Pingback: Maybe the City Should Just say No to the Meadowcreek Parkway |

  4. Pingback: Meadowcreek Parkway Moving Forward |