This is why

This is why I do what I do. A client from about four years ago just emailed me:

Always wanted to say that you are the agent I use to compare all others to.. it seems that as we talk to more folks about buying/selling, we find that your business integrity is a hard find.  Not too many folks out there are honest, intelligent, know the business well and have a sense of humor as you do.  I only wish I could pass along more business to you but the “you’re the best agent ever!” compliment will have to do for today!

PS: Thanks for keeping up with the newsletter – enjoy reading and always love the Calvin (& Hobbes) snippets!  Found your other web site today… looks great as well!

After having just gone through a very rough transaction (the second one in five years), I really needed this. Thank you. Words like this help to make what I do worthwhile.

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1 Comment

  1. Merv July 26, 2006 at 22:34

    When real estate agents are honest and full of integrity, our clients know the difference. Keep up the example! Kudos…