Growing in the growth areas

In spite of much of the angst surrounding BoS member David Slutzky, he seems to be the only one expressing the opinion that is lacking from the discussion (courtesy of the DP):

Supervisor David Slutzky said he wonders whether master planning each growth area separately is actually impeding some of the efforts to effectively guide growth. “If it were up to me, I’d master plan all the growth areas simultaneously,” he said. “I understand the practical challenges of doing that, but the danger of doing them sequentially is you lose the continuity, of the transportation structure in particular. We must relate transportation planning to the land-use planning or we’ve failed miserably.”

Rather than look at each individual area within the County, we must look at the big picture, the picture that includes Madison, Louisa, Waynesboro and the rest.

The County of Albemarle has done a good job of providing some good PDF maps of the growth areas (PDf, P. 5) and the specific segments within. I have found it most useful to look at the growth areas by elementary school district – by far the most efficient way to drill down into the specific segments of the market. (PDF)

I’ve asked this question before, and ask it again -if we don’t grow in the Growth Areas, where will we grow?

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