Thursday links 12 October 2006

Should municipalities provide wireless? As we become a higher-density society, this may become more and more of an attractive option.

Tall buildings coming to the City of Charlottesville! Tall, at least, by our standards – 9 stories.

Six great blog articles

Is Albemarle County growing too fast? A full post on this as soon as the study is released.

The FTC’s release today:
FTC Charges Real Estate Groups with Anticompetitive Conduct in Limiting Consumers’ Choice in Real Estate Services

300 million.

Three hundred million is also a discomfiting reminder of a nation that, on its east and west coasts, at least, is running noticeably low on elbow room. More humanity is stirring up more traffic, more sprawl, more rules against growth, more protests against anti-growth rules, and more of the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

We are young. Nearly 250 years old. We have a lot of growing to do – in many, many ways. Are we sustainable?

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