Public credibility in the blogosphere

Another example comes to me today from the Charlottesville blogosphere concerning public credibility in the age of blogs. Write this down:

You cannot screw somebody over and not have it written about for the world to see. Word of mouth reaches much further than it ever has before.

I am not going to link to the particular post, but suffice it to say that those in the under-35 population (a large segment of the real estate market) will more likely than not find it. This raises the question: should the accused defend him/herself on the blog, or let it go?

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  1. Jeannine November 2, 2006 at 15:33

    I think it depends on their whether they have a defense to mount!

  2. Jim Duncan November 2, 2006 at 15:44

    Disclaimer: Please note that I do not have first-hand knowledge of anything related, but I am using it as an example of the new power of word of mouth. So, please, don’t flame me. 🙂