Bloginar today in NoVa

I participated in a short presentation in Northern Virginia today for their chapter of the Women’s Council of Realtors. I went for two reasons – first, I was asked by a classmate of last year’s class of the Virginia Association of Realtors’ Leadership Academy to do it with her. Second, I wanted to dissuade some from joining the ranks of blogging and encourage others.

Blogging is easy, but it is not for everyone. As with anything else worthwhile, it takes time, dedication and commitment. If you don’t take it seriously, you will fail on an international stage; likely few will see it, but your words will be there forever.

I hope that I was able to convey, in the short period of time I had, my passion for the business, for blogging and for doing things right – the first time (and learning from all the inevitable mistakes). I could have talked for much longer.

A few of the points covered:

– Why blog?
– Benefits of Blogging
– Transparency/Reputation
– Knowledge gained through blogging
– Local -v- National blogging
– Should you blog your listings?
– Potential Liability
– Where to get ideas?
– Above all, be honest in all that you say or do. Your words can be used for and against you.

I would be happy to email anybody my list of real estate blogs I read every day. Most, if not all are listed in my blogroll, but importing an OPML file would be easier. Any questions, please feel free to contact me or post your questions below.

There is so much more I would like to have covered, but hopefully at least one will start a blog and email me. Giving back is the best way to get ahead.

Update: this is an especially pertinent article from Inman: 45% of all blogs sleep with the fishes within 3 months: How to keep yours alive and kicking
Update 2: One of my favorite “local” real estate bloggers, Teresa Boardman is interviewed at the Tomato

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As there are very few original ideas, here are a few of the sites from which I derived information and inspiration:

For starters:

Intro to RSS
Rain City Guide’s bloginars

Real Estate Tomato

When Your Website Just Isn’t Enough
Why have a Website at all?
The business blog -v- the real estate website
Your broker/manager hates your blog
Too many Realtors

Zillow’s series

Content is King, but the Voice is Queen
Wiki Wednesday
Setting up your blog
Avoiding Legal Pitfalls in Blogging
Blogging SEO and Syndication
Attracting a conversation: Blog Comment tips

Why Blog (two stories I have written)

Blogging’s expectations
Why Blog

Merv Forney’s Blog

Blogging Communities

Active Rain


Realty Blogging

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  1. Dustin February 2, 2007 at 19:04

    Very very cool! Glad to hear it worked out well for you! 🙂

  2. Julie Emery February 2, 2007 at 20:49


    It was a pleasure sharing the floor with you today! I think your very grounded, forthright approach was a big hit! I hope we get a chance to tag team again some day!


  3. Jim Duncan February 2, 2007 at 21:29

    Julie –

    I agree. We worked quite well together. Maybe we should take our show in the road!

  4. Susan Jacobs February 3, 2007 at 11:42

    Jim, Thanks again for the short but to the point presentation. It was great. Based on what I have read and been hearing over the last year or so Blogging is the next wave. I plan on doing a lot more research by visiting other blog sites and I’ve already ordered the books you recommended. Hopefully I can get a site up and running in a few months. Any comments suggestions will be warmly welcomed. Have a great day – be talking to you soon!

  5. Pingback: Real Central VA - Tracking the Charlottesville and Central VA real estate market and more » Real estate blogging is catching on