Buying the domain name for houses is becoming more and more common for listings, and the ROI isn’t really a factor, as domain names cost relatively miniscule amounts.
But … should buyers make part of the Contract to Purchase that the domain name conveys with the property, similar to the rest of the included personal property? “Refrigerator, washer/dryer/ …”
One day every property is likely to have its own domain; shouldn’t that domain convey with the property?
(Visited 105 times, 1 visits today)
The people actually buying the domain aren’t a party to the contract; the people owning the property are not going to be the ones owning the domain.
But you knew this … and I’m still answering what is a largely rhetorical question.
Most agents will part with the domains when you can pry them from their cold dead hands. Especially if you’re in an area where it’s possible to dominate a small geographic area.
Jonathan is correct in that the home owner doesn’t own the domain name.
But an agent who wants to make good impression with another potential client would give the buyer the domain name.
But then again when I buy my next place I could care less about the domain name. I don’t want
I used to buy domain names. When I saw a couple websites get penalized, I talked to the agents. We went through Google Analytics and for some reason Google as well as some other search engines didn’t properly identify the main domain name. We changed it a few times but it still didn’t work. I use third level domains now.
In my opinion, no. However, we can’t predict the future: right now every property has two main identifiers in a sales contract: legal description and common description…. do you think in the future there will be an “internet description”? Who knows, may be! What will the concept of a “domain name” be 30 years from now? Probably very different from what we think of a “domain name” today.
Agreed on the fact that the Realtors aren’t part of the contract … but:
1) what if the homeowner owns the domain name – then would it be a reasonable negotiating point?
2) would the new homeowner care if they didn’t get the domain name?
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The domain name’s not appurtenant so I’ll say no. 🙂
This is very interesting if you think about it for a moment. As we look to the future and technology, at some point we may do away with ‘paper’ mail in large part. There has been a dream of many for every home to have a computer and I’m sure when this day arrives (and it’s getting here quick) advertisers will provide the big push for every home to have a verified static domain name. Who will own it is a great question.
www. walidmrealtor .com