A note regarding my meebo widget

Over to the right of my page, there is a “contact me” widget. The messages there are private. I never solicit nor spam commenters.


The greatest problem I have with the widget is that sometimes I do not see that someone is trying to contact me as there is no notification that I have a visitor – no sound, no flashing, nothing. I am sorry for that, but am diligently trying to find a solution.

You may also contact me here.

I am posting this because I just missed an opportunity to talk with someone; to you specifically I apologize.

(Visited 90 times, 1 visits today)


  1. loren nason March 13, 2008 at 14:19

    I may have a solution for you that if everything goes well i have an beta tonight and i’ll see you want to try it

  2. loren nason March 13, 2008 at 20:50


    but just talked with programmer and looking a few more days b4 ready

    I’ll keep you in the loop

  3. Jim Duncan March 14, 2008 at 14:13

    Thanks, Loren. I’ll be here to test it whenever you’re ready.

  4. Pingback: Got a question via email from a REALTOR … « 4realz Strategies

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