Friday Links 07-18-08

How to Sell a House, When You Have to Sell It Now

The worst economy ever? (see #4)

Recession-Plagued Nation Demands New Bubble To Invest In – a little humor is healthy.

“What America needs right now is not more talk and long-term strategy, but a concrete way to create more imaginary wealth in the very immediate future,” said Thomas Jenkins, CFO of the Boston-area Jenkins Financial Group, a bubble-based investment firm. “We are in a crisis, and that crisis demands an unviable short-term solution.”

‘With email, the greatest power you have is in not replying’

11 Tips for First-Time Homebuyers – Next week, I’m going to address #4

Interesting discussion on the Charlottesville housing market, that somehow shifted to a commentary on local Realtors (and housewives)

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  1. Gerry Davidson July 18, 2008 at 10:57

    Thanks Jim, I really needed “Nation Demands a New Bubble to Invest In” today. Sometimes nothing will do except a little humor.

  2. downtownenvy July 18, 2008 at 13:22

    I know that you have mentioned before from different sources that Cville real estate was overpriced by as much as 25% 4 years ago. If people take the WSJ guidelines and price 20% 2005 prices where the heck does that leave sellers in the downtown area? Just curious about potential numbers and the possibility of prices going down just a bit more here. Thanks very much.


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