Tune In To WINA Today at 4:15

I’ll be on Coy Barefoot’s Charlottesville – Right Now! today from four fifteen to five o’clock pm – please feel free to let me know in advance if there are any topics or questions you would like us to discuss or call in – 434-977-1070.

We’ll be wrapping up 2008 and look forward to what 2009 may have to offer the Charlottesville area real estate market – and the related industries – as Big_Al said recently on Cvillenews

I doubt there are any home builders in America not going through significant financial troubles right now. We hear a lot about auto makers in trouble and the number of jobs at risk, but there are significantly more jobs at risk in the home building industry. Since 2006 there have been more than 1.5 million layoffs from home builders – that’s more than 3x the total number of UAW members (and that 1.5 million figure doesn’t include suppliers). So if Detroit just flat-out went under, it would affect 1/3 the number of families already impacted by the housing crisis.

Smaller builders like Hauser are at great risk. Many will not be able to survive this. Many have already gone under.

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