Twitter Week in Review

  • 0930 appointment to show houses in Charlottesville means this doesn't quite feel like Sunday morning #
  • RT @Scobleizer: Tremendous rant by Fake Steve Jobs on the ATT's whining and what's wrong with the USA [MUST Read #fb] #
  • Showing houses in Albemarle. The lack of quality in the $600k price range is remarkable. #
  • Working at the Nest this morning, prepping for day's appointments #
  • @jcunwired I've been playing with it for a bit recently. #foursquare in reply to jcunwired #
  • @tcar What Soc Network do you consider has the highest threshold of F2F-sish needed prior to "connecting" #
  • RT @tcar: If we are F2F, and you want to introduce yourself to me… Do It! Just don't ask me to be #foursquare fans before then. #
  • A long day tomorrow. Meeting with sellers, then buyers, then wife. Life of a Realtor. 🙂 #fb #
  • @erickelley pure coincidence that I started and ended the day in pretty much the same location 🙂 in reply to erickelley #
  • And now I need to find tickets to Sunday's game. Go Hoos! #
  • Goal. For Wake. Meh. 1-1 #
  • Watching UVA-Wake NCAA soccer game at McGrady's in Charlottesville #
  • Charlottesville Rhinocerous #
  • RT @FrancesFlynnTho: GREAT! RT @1000WattMarc: Just posted: About SMMI, Social Media. Abe Lincoln, & being pig headed.- #
  • Donated $25 to VPAP today. Because they're wonderful and help transparency in Virginia & C'ville politics #
  • @rustyspeidel For starters – and in so many other ways. in reply to rustyspeidel #
  • RT @TomRoyce: I want this shirt. Hope is Fading Fast. #TCOT #
  • Going to watch UVA Soccer at 5 today at McGrady's #
  • And today I am a concierge for incoming clients. #
  • @johnmgoing I've been meaning to take a good picture of the Ivy Store for years, but never am prepared in reply to johnmgoing #
  • @doverbEy @tomroyce @phxreguy @krisberg How is this a priority? in reply to doverbEy #
  • RT @doverbEy: @JimDuncan not a hoax Jim. Read the story on Inman yesterday. cc: @tomroyce @phxreguy @krisberg [me too. I'm just stunned] #
  • @TomRoyce @PhxREguy @KrisBerg This has to be a hoax. Please tell me it's a hoax. Please? in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @johnmgoing Christmas lights in Charlottesville – thanks to @DailyProgress in reply to johnmgoing #
  • The world is flat from a communication point of view. Time zones are such a bother. #
  • Find Christmas trees in Crozet – Thanks to one of my readers #
  • @digitalpure I run into someone in airports about 25% of the time. Weird in reply to digitalpure #
  • Charlottesville Follow Friday – #
  • RT @ABrement: #ff Crozet Tweetup @amywebb @steinarknutsen @rprav8r @sajego @gingergermani @CVilleKim @realcrozetva @marybethbowen @crozette #
  • RT @juphoff: @jmckeever @SuzySaidCville There really is a great local cadre of twitterers, isn't there? 🙂 [amen] #
  • @jmckeever Statue, Statute … we understand. in reply to jmckeever #
  • I just became the mayor of Shenandoah Joe's on @foursquare! #
  • Charlottesville's Art in Place #
  • RT @thecatwell: RT @mattadair: Driscoll: 16 Daddy Christmas Tips (via @jkennedy) #
  • Trying to figure out what to post as my "Friday chart" about the Charlottesville regional real estate market. #
  • @ericbryn I constantly debate struggle/balance b/t journalist/Realtor – if I choose journalist, would that prevent discovery? in reply to ericbryn #
  • RT @ericbryn: @JimDuncan law + social media = 2010 legal storm clouds on the horizon [& I'm going to try to be there] #
  • RT @ericbryn at least 3 attorneys on that panel? Good lord, what's the world coming to? #
  • @mrlerner Not online that I can find, but it's in print. 🙂 in reply to mrlerner #
  • RT @DailyProgress: Where have I been? frugalinva is now mrsmoneysaver. Ok [I was confused, too] #
  • @mrlerner saw the NAR's On Common Ground magazine today. Great stuff about Walkscore! in reply to mrlerner #
  • It seems you can get certified for just about anything. #
  • Looking for examples of embedded on blogs. #
  • @mrlerner I have a post scheduled about next week. Cool stuff. Wish Charlottesville supported Open Data in reply to mrlerner #
  • RT @DerekMassey: Agents: warn your buyers not to discuss pending offers on Facebook. Yeah, people have done this. #gbbr #wcr #
  • RT @robhahn: RT @jrdorkin: BiggerPockets Blog: Can the World Get a Good CRM for Real Estate… Please? [HEAR HEAR!] #
  • RT @MaryBethBowen: RT @ABrement: Looking forward to Crozet Tweetup Lunch today! 12:00. Fardowner's. (me too!) #
  • RT @DailyProgress: [] Our Christmas lights map has new additions,the map is publicly editable if you have Google login. #
  • Impressed that my little one is excited to walk to school today. #
  • American Dream 2: Default, Then Rent – #
  • For the record (& my kid agrees) the new Twilight is awful. Remarkably so. #fb #
  • Being a good dad and about to suffer through the new Twilight movie. #
  • Wreck at 240/250 intersection. Traffic blocked. #crozet #
  • RT @mattcase: @bkmcae I may be kind of twisted, but that sounds like a fun gig. [agreed] #
  • @Swanepoel @tksold is there a consensus on definition of "better"? For some better = Quality. For others better = Quantity in reply to Swanepoel #
  • Off to show a foreclosure in Charlottesville. I was shocked to learn how efficient & sane the offer submittal process is #
  • Trailside Coffee complaint department #
  • RT @twtvite_alert: @jimduncan Friendly reminder: Crozet Lunch Tweetup is tomorrow! #
  • @TomRoyce Great question. This is why. They had a vision. in reply to TomRoyce #
  • Crozet Mudhouse Curtain ((tag:crozet mudhouse, crozet, 22932) #
  • RT @robhahn: @ReggieRPR Hey Reggie — is the RPR Blog up yet? Tried Googling for it and got some political website… #
  • @BooneHomes Thanks. Value of what? in reply to BooneHomes #
  • Banging out a lot of content for my main real estate blog. #
  • RT @dominiccampbell BIG fan of @charmermark's 5 trends for cities to look out for over the next 10 years [interesting] #
  • RT @amywebb: Albemarle Family Favorite Awards 2009: Nest Realty and Jim Duncan make the list! Make that @jimduncan #
  • Well, when you look at it that way … #
  • @robhahn it's all about setting expectations appropriately. Info/learning session – no. Pitch session – yes. in reply to robhahn #
  • Harris Teeter & Salvation Army – Piss-Poor community involvement #
  • When I grow up, I want to write like @KrisBerg #fb #
  • RT @darrenhoyt: RT @adii: Check out @darrenhoyt's new project: WPQuestions –> #
  • @SarahWV painting the fridge!? I've been contemplating where to use our new chalkboard paint. That's brilliant! in reply to SarahWV #
  • @cloudbrain I'll test. I love testing. in reply to cloudbrain #
  • RT @lizpalka: Salvation Army red kettles not allowed at many usual locations this season. More at 5 and 6 on CBS19. #
  • Senate Adds Online Consumer Reviews to Their Health Care Bill – Blog – OpenCongress #
  • Christmas Tree stand in Crozet #
  • Off to a listing appointment in Crozet. #
  • @PhxREguy between opencongress & govtrack, there's no excuse for not being educated in reply to PhxREguy #
  • RT @janetdmiller: RT @kaitlyn07: RT @SearchMojo: New Blog Post: Real-Time Search and the RT #
  • About to meet with a seller contemplating a short sale. I miss the days when we discussed how much they would make #
  • RT @ArtJonak: In 1975 US Govt pushed 'the coming ice age' => | With Govt it's always been about $ & power, not the earth #
  • RT @RyanSAdams: Watch your competitors, don't follow them. [Amen] #
  • RT @stevewhitaker: Jesus, Tiger, move to Utah. #
  • RT @SteveGaines62: RT @garycope: Sympathies, yes. But suing Virginia Tech for $43M? Money grab damages credibility. #
  • Trying to decide which coffee shop to work in this morning. Perhaps one with a light breakfast? #
  • They don't *know* how the agent was compensated? #
  • @pambuda Thanks, Pam. It's amazing how early the spring real estate market begins. in reply to pambuda #
  • RT @mattcase: @JimDuncan Oh stewardess, I speak jive [You're quick on the draw tonight!] #
  • @mattwilkins Price per square foot is a guide & when dealing w/ homogeneous units it's a pretty good guide #
  • Active comps for this townhouse in Albemarle are 10% higher per sq foot than the solds. Meaning it should go on for 13% less than actives #
  • And sometimes … the data just doesn't jive. #
  • Time to get some work done. A couple market analyses won't write themselves. #
  • Life's short. Have fun on Charlottesville's Downtown Mall #
  • Correction – this is the video about prepping to sell a house in Charlottesville. #
  • Just got a call from someone looking to put her house on the market in spring.Coincidentally,I just did this video #
  • Having only 27 tabs open is not nearly as intimidating as it used to be. #
  • RT @JonathanK: Just got a pretty darn cool phone call re: @nestrealty. More to come… #
  • RT @dannysullivan: official google blog post on real time search [proof that one should never underestimate Google] #
  • RT @steverubel: Pearl Harbor Day today. Before our time but never forget those who died. #
  • @drewlawrence then we shouldn't try to compete w/ them. Place greater value on academic achievement than athletic #
  • @drewlawrence so exempt football & b-ball from academic standards b/c a tiny % may have pro life after college? UVa is an academic village in reply to drewlawrence #
  • Sitting in Realtor Leadership orientation for the Board of directors. Question – do consumers care if we're involved? #fb #
  • @drewlawrence why bother having them attend classes? All of UVa's other sports seem to succeed under current academic standards in reply to drewlawrence #
  • RT @DailyProgress: Mike London's three rules: 1. Go to class 2. Show class 3. Treat people with dignity and respect [good rules] #
  • Crozet Tweetup – Thursday at Fardowners. #crozettweetup #
  • I'm at Nest Real Estate Group (126 Garrett St, Suite E, 2nd Street, Charlottesville). #
  • I just became the mayor of Nest Real Estate Group on @foursquare! #
  • Someone *did* move to Crozet because of the Library. #
  • RT @TomRoyce: Here are some scary deficit numbers you will not see in the newspaper. Yikes! [& good morning to you too] #
  • RT @WicksPicks: Looking forward to a Monday morning 8:00 meeting (yes, I am crazy) but it's with the #smccville steering committee! #
  • @tomperriello just referred to Afghanistan as "the graveyard of Empires" on WINA. #
  • It's difficult to take these climate change "activists/politician" seriously #
  • Trillions #
  • I love the interwebs. I didn't see Phish last night in Charlottesville, but I'm almost finished downloading the show #
  • RT @superninjarobot: Social networking solves the DARPA Red Balloon Challenge in < 9 hours. Congrats to the Internet! #
  • Crozet parade #
  • Real estate stuff done (for now). Helped mom w/ something. Now to get our tree. #
  • Just finished meeting with a seller who has an awesome house. Photography & videography will be fun #
  • @FrancesFlynnTho @stevesilberman until doctors can effectively prescribe exercise we'll continue over-medicating people in reply to FrancesFlynnTho #
  • @pchaney I really think offering SM certification is selling snake oil. Offering a SM education on the other hand is valuable #
  • Should have showed the smokers' house in the afternoon. #nowIhavetoexplaintoclientswhyIstinklikesmoke #
  • I just became the mayor of Mudhouse on @foursquare! #
  • I change one thing on my profile & I need to change it *everywhere*. Wish I could track where I need to change it & do it automatically #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: The Crozet Xmas Parade is today at 3 pm. Goes from Crozet Ave at Jarmans Gap to the Firehouse. We'll be throwing candy! #
  • Picked up my copy of the Crozet Gazette yesterday. I love having a truly local paper #
  • RT @PoppyD: There is no such thing as sentimental value. #thingsyoulearnonmovingday [so very true] #

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