Albemarle Place Progressing?

Albemarle Place is moving through the Planning Commission.

Of course, it was “back on track” in 2008. It’s going to be elegant.

Update 24 June 2010: Listening to Coy Barefoot’s podcast with Brian Wheeler, it seems that the 7-11 on Hydraulic Road and 29 has been sold … to the folks who are developing Albemarle Place. (starting at the 10 minute mark)

The ramifications are significant. New turn lane, no grade-separated interchange, another traffic light on 29 (old news) … 29 continues its degeneration to a parking lot. It’s like no one is paying attention.

Albemarle Place is “the size of two Downtown Malls.” Jeepers.

Coy says “There’s going to be 29 before Albemarle Place and 29 after Albemarle Place.” And he is absolutely right.

Bigger than Gainesville.?!?!?

Update #2 21 June 2010:

Charlottesville Tomorrow now has a full story.

While the nearly 65 acres of land that make up the future Albemarle Place development currently lie dormant, the project is moving forward behind the scenes.

Groundbreaking for Albemarle Place has been delayed by a change in ownership, the economy, and inadequate sewer capacity. The site includes about 65 acres zoned for 7-800 apartments, a grocery store, parking garages, a theater, a hotel, and retail stores.

(Visited 75 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Jeannine @ Small & Chic June 24, 2010 at 07:57

    Is there any word on what stores are still on board?

    I talked to a developer over in Richmond a few years ago who said REI and Fresh Farms grocery store were on board. But since then, REI built their store at Short Pump and Whole Foods started making the move to Hydraulic. What’s more, there’s that odd rumor that Trader Joe’s could move into the old Whole Foods (that might be rumor started by wishful thinking, of course).

    I don’t think the guy knows what is being talked about with Gainesville. I think Coy was talking about where Target, Lowes, PetSmart, DSW are. Brian seems to think he means where Panera Bread and Five Guys is.

  2. jmcnamera June 24, 2010 at 14:16

    Yup, Rt 29 will get slower all the way up to Madison. In Ruckersville they will add a couple of lights for the apartment / strip mall complex going in on the Albemarle border.

    Albermarle Place will slow traffic just north of town to a crawl. It’s terrible now but it will get worse.

    They will continue to plan and talk and make mock-ups but nothing will change.

    A bypass is needed from north of Ruckersville down to the 250 bypass – and they need to stop building until the bypass is in.

  3. Jim June 24, 2010 at 19:12

    Jeanine – No public word yet, although rumors have been flying for years.

    jmcnamera – Yep. Right now, 29 is divided into at least “north of Rio” and “north of Hydraulic” … it seems soon the “north of Bodo’s” or “north of Barracks” will become more common.

  4. Pingback: Albemarle Place Moving Forward |

  5. Pingback: 5 Ways Trader Joe’s is Going to be Good (or bad) for Charlottesville |

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