Blast From the Past – Why Charlottesville and Albemarle Can’t Build Roads

Browsing through the archives, I found this comment, which could have been written fifteen years ago, four years ago or this morning:

My biggest issues with the county and city are the relentless studies and meetings to conclude what an average driver in Charlottesville could tell you. I mean I understand the point of a few studies to make sure money is being spent right, but for god sakes at some point you need to start laying pavement. It has taken 17 years for the county to figure out it doesn’t want a Western Bypass. This diverted tons of resources from other projects and cities that were ready to act. It has taken 30+ years for construction on the parkway to start*(pending). Now the county is spending tons of money on studies to figure out if 29 needs to be widened to Greene and if 250 needs to be widened to Fluvanna. Now ask yourself, what would the average driver say about the projects? Now ask, what will the studies conclude? See if there is any correlation.

Albemarle is building their section of the Meadowcreek Parkway … whether the City builds their section remains uncertain.

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