Get Ready Virginians – The General Assembly is Poised to Reconvene

Get your browsers, email clients and phones ready – the Virginia General Assembly will be back in session in 9 days.

The 2011 Virginia General Assembly session will convene on January 12, 2011, and is scheduled to run for 45 days. Here you can learn about and track the fate of the thousands of bills that will be proposed, voted on, and the few that ultimately become law.

Some of the bills are inane, some seem to be designed to implement gridlock, some are a waste of taxpayers’ time and money, and some will absolutely, positively affect your daily lives if they were to become law.

I’ll be primarily tracking bills that focus on real estate, but tend to watch bills that touch privacy, governmental interference and other bills that interest me. And hopefully one focusing specifically on single agent dual agency.

I tend to look at the newest bills every day or two, but so long as you’re looking and letting your legislators know that you’re watching them. The lobbyists are spending piles and piles of money; all we have are our phone calls.

While you’re spending time at Richmond Sunlight figuring out who your legislators are, head over to the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) to see who’s giving them money. (note: the “Map Donations” tool is mighty cool).

Be aware, be informed and be willing to express your voice and opinion. If you don’t, your complaining means less.

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