Albemarle County Assessments are Online

My real estate assessment went up. By 1%.


Check them out on the Albemarle County GIS site.

I’m checking my clients’ assessments now.

Thanks to the Charlottesville Bubble Blog for the heads’ up.

Last year they were released, with a press release, on 28 January.

Update: A quick look at abut a dozen properties shows losses of 1% to 4.5% of the assessed values.

Update 2 – 31 January 2011. From the press release:

The average annual reassessment changes for the magisterial districts are as follows:

Rio: -1.10%

Jack Jouett: -0.75%

Rivanna: -0.08%

Samuel Miller: -1.53 %

Scottsville: -3.40 %

White Hall: -0.86 %

Town of Scottsville: -1.53 %

The new assessments will be reflected in the real estate bills which will be mailed in late April, 2011. County officials recommend that anyone who would like more information or who wishes to appeal their assessment to contact the Office of the County Assessor at (434) 296-5856.

There is a process in place to appeal disputed reassessments.  As a first step, taxpayers are encouraged to contact the appraiser responsible for the valuation to insure the correctness of County records and to receive an explanation of the basis upon which the valuation was made.  The deadline for requesting a review with the Assessor’s Office is February 28, 2011, and the Assessor’s Office recommends that citizens make an appointment.   If a property owner does not receive satisfaction with this step, further appeal may be directed to the Board of Equalization, which is comprised of Albemarle County citizens who have completed training by the Virginia Department of Taxation and who meet on a regular basis.

Just a reminder:

*Here’s my offer to property owners of Albemarle. If you feel that your assessed value is wrong, and you intend to challenge your real estate assessment, contact me and we’ll set up a meeting to discuss your options. As far as challenging your assessment, you’re on your own; but I will help you arm yourself with the right information.

Two related items:

1 – This is a bill – HR 1588 – currently under discussion in the Virginia General Assembly that is very, very relevant, specifically relating to appeals of real estate assessments.

2 – This is the pertinent Code:

§ 15.2-619. Same; powers of commissioners of revenue; real estate reassessments.

The director of finance shall exercise all the powers conferred and perform all the duties imposed by general law upon commissioners of the revenue, not inconsistent herewith, and shall be subject to the obligations and penalties imposed by general law.

Every general reassessment of real estate in the county, unless some other person is designated for this purpose by the county manager in accordance with § 15.2-612 or unless the board creates a separate department of assessments in accordance with § 15.2-616, shall be made by the director of finance; he shall collect and keep in his office data and devise methods and procedures to be followed in each such general reassessment that will make for uniformity in assessments throughout the county.

In addition to any other method provided by general law or by this article or to certain classified counties, the director of finance may provide for the annual assessment and equalization of real estate and any general reassessment order by the board. The director of finance or his designated agent shall collect data, provide maps and charts, and devise methods and procedures to be followed for such assessment that will make for uniformity in assessments throughout the county.

There shall be a reassessment of all real estate at periods not to exceed six years between such reassessments.
All real estate shall be assessed as of January 1 of each year by the director of finance or such other person designated to make assessment. Such assessment shall provide for the equalization of assessments of real estate, correction of errors in tax assessment records, addition of erroneously omitted properties to the tax rolls, and removal of properties acquired by owners not subject to taxation.

The taxes for each year on the real estate assessed shall be extended on the basis of the last assessment made prior to such year.

This section shall not apply to real estate assessable under the law by the Commonwealth, and the director of finance or his designated agent shall not make any real estate assessments during the life of any general reassessment board.

Any reassessments which change the assessment of real estate shall not be extended for taxation until forty-five days after a written notice is mailed to the person in whose name such property is to be assessed at his last known address, setting forth the amount of the prior assessment and the new assessment.

The board shall establish a continuing board of real estate review and equalization to review all assessments made under authority of this section and to which all appeals by any person aggrieved by any real estate assessment shall first apply for relief. The board of real estate review and equalization shall consist of not fewer than three nor more than five members who shall be freeholders in the county. The appointment, terms of office and compensation of the members of such board shall be prescribed by the board of supervisors.

The board of real estate review and equalization shall have all the powers conferred upon boards of equalization by general law. All applications for review to such board shall be made not later than April 1 of the year for which extension of taxes on the assessment is to be made. Such board shall grant a hearing to any person making application at a regular advertised meeting of the board, shall rule on all applications within sixty days after the date of the hearing, and shall thereafter promptly certify its action thereon to the director of finance. The equalization board shall conduct hearings at such times as are convenient, after publishing a notice in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county, ten days prior to any such hearing at which any person applying for review will be heard.

Any person aggrieved by any reassessment or action of the board of real estate review and equalization may apply for relief to the circuit court of the county in the manner provided by general law.

(Code 1950, § 15-320; 1954, c. 46; 1956, c. 349; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 69; 1962, cc. 399, 623, § 15.1-640; 1982, c. 647; 1991, c. 16; 1997, c. 587.)

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  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Albemarle County Assessments are Online | --

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  3. Mark February 2, 2011 at 03:21

    City assessments are here. I bought and sold in the city in December.
    Bought for $14,500 under assessment = no change in assessment.
    Sold for $76,500 above assessment = $70,000 increase in assessment.
    Looks like the city trying to have it both ways.

  4. Pingback: Four Positive Signs about the Charlottesville Real Estate Market |

  5. bhtphilo February 3, 2011 at 17:49

    Mine went up over 3% after going down almost exactly the same amount in late 2009 when I bought the property.

    So it goes.


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