Charlottesville (city) is Walkable + a Thoughtful Tour of the Charlottesville Bus System

Patience is infatuated with the Charlottesville bus system. She’s taking a tour of Charlottesville via the bus lines.

In Which I am a Bus Geek (the Number 1 Bus)
Ultimate Bliss on the Number 8 Bus
Number 2 Bus
Joyriding on the Number 2 Bus
Deja vu on the Number Four bus
The Number 5 Bus: Shaken, not Stirred

Charlottesville is very walkable. So says the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center. In fact:

Charlottesville has excellent transit services, provided by Charlottesville Area Transit and University Transit Services. Transit is available within a ¼ mile of 95% of the population seven days a week and operates at 95% on time performance. This ensures that residents of Charlottesville have ample opportunity to access high quality transit that serves a variety of destinations.

I have been riding my bike more and more around the City and while I have no context as to how we rank, I have found it mostly easy to do. Bike lanes aren’t 100% contiguous, but most drivers I have encountered have been friendly. One of the biggest challenges are the stupid bikers. In fact, clients and I watched a bicyclist jump from sidewalk to street to crosswalk and nearly get hit by a car. Think, people!


Where are the Walkable Neighborhoods in Charlottesville/Albemarle?

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