Life in Charlottesville – in Video

We at Nest have been releasing our series of videos depicting life in Charlottesville and the surrounding areas.

It’s impossible to capture what life is like in these areas, but we hope that people find them representative of life in Ivy, Charlottesville, Crozet …

Life in Charlottesville video

Life in Ivy, just west of Charlottesville video

We deliberately did not overly brand these; these are for you. (feel free to share them with your friends)Stay tuned … Crozet is next. 🙂

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  1. Pingback: Crozet – In Video - RealCrozetVA — RealCrozetVA

  2. Pingback: Life in Crozet – the Live Where you Love Series Continues | |

  3. Pingback: Friday Links – 16 December 2011 | |

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