SO Much More than a Hole in the Ground

“From the perspective of the rest of the world: one random hole in the ground. For our family on February 8, 2012: the greatest looking slice of earth we have ever seen!!!”

My client posted the above comment on the site I created to help them and us track the progress of their new home. Lots of people buy and build homes; to each

Over the past couple years, I have helped quite a few clients build new homes – it’s a fun, occasionally stressful and ultimately very rewarding process to see the finished product – both my clients and the house.

To them, I say thank you. Thank you for the reminder that what good Realtors do is this: help people live how and where they want to live. Help families establish roots. Help build families.

Another reminder: There are NO “Little Deals

*Groundbreaking is always less ceremonious than one might think. No ribbon cutting, no pomp, just a couple guys with heavy equipment digging a hole within the confines of some sticks and string.

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