1st Quarter 2012 Charlottesville Area Real Estate Market Report

As always, pay attention to the segment or segments that affect you. There is no “the market is up” or “the market is down.” Condos in the City of Charlottesville near the Downtown Mall are different than single family homes in Greene County – different trends, different factors affecting them, different economic engines and hubs, different schools, different property taxes … you get the picture.

I’ll be adding to this post this evening but wanted to get this out before my afternoon appointment. (priorities, you know?)

Nest Realty’s First Quarter 2012 market report (download the pdf)

Q1 2012 Charlottesville Real Estate Market Report

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1 Comment

  1. AndrewlBarry April 17, 2012 at 12:23

    Housing starts down for a 3rd month in a row… Worst since Oct11… Today…. Would not get too optimistic yet… numbers are generally better in most states due to the warm weather this Christmas…. Q2 will be the better test.


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