Redfields Buying Open Space

Years ago when I wrote “If you Don’t Own it, It’s Going to Change” – referencing homeowners’ and buyers’ expectations regarding adjacent properties, I was using the Mosby Mountain neighborhood as my reference point.

The Redfields neighborhood experienced this last year when the developers tried to build on “their” “open space.”

Fast forward to the end of 2012 and the best solution seems to be coming to fruition – the Redfields homeowners’ association will be buying the open space to keep it as that – protected open space rather than more homes. Good for them and good for the developers.

That area of Charlottesville is poised to grow – significantly – and I think that having secured this open space will be good for Redfields’ residents (their property values and their ability to enjoy their homes)

Related reading:

Redfields Neighborhood Growing? – January 2011

Redfields Expansion Denied. Real Estate Agents need Education – September 2011

Redfields Neighborhood’s Next Phase Going to Court – March 2012

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