A Return to Basics – RealCentralVA’s monthly newsletter

I’m trying something new. I know that not everyone wants to read everything I write and post here (there’s always something happening in Charlottesville’s real estate market – direct and tangentially). So I’m introducing a monthly newsletter. My thoughts and rationale:

– I expect to write more stuff that’s from the heart, stuff that by design isn’t for world-wide consumption as well as insights about Charlottesville, our real estate market, and answering questions that might be misunderstood by someone just stumbling onto the blog … I expect (and hope) that the folks subscribing will have at least a passing familiarity with who I am.

– This coincides with my decision to return to taking notes with – get this – a pen and paper. (this was my inspiration) I wrote in moleskins for years and realized that I’ve been missing writing.

– I wanted to do a weekly or bi-monthly newsletter, but want to do something I can commit to. (clients come first, then my writing)

Feel free to forward this newsletter to friends, if you find it valuable.

– I’m making a deliberate decision to not have online archives of what I write; if you want to read what I write, it’s really, really easy to subscribe. (they will be archived at RealCentralVA.com though, privately)

This concept is a copy of Chris Brogan’s – he emails a weekly newsletter every Sunday; I’d like to think I can build up to that. But for now, I’ll just post a monthly reminder here about my newsletter.

Feedback is welcome and appreciated. Email me anytime (particularly if you think I’m off base, need correcting or would like more information or a clarification).

With that preface, here’s where you sign up.

I’ll be emailing this out on Tuesday, 5 February.

Update: I’ve just finished the first draft, and I really like it and hope you find it valuable.

Update 2 – I noticed that TinyLetter lets me send the current newsletter to subscribers new since I originally sent it … for the short term (3-4 months) I’m going to send it to folks as they subscribe.

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