Want to Sell your House? Here are some Tips

Take some lessons from my client. Seriously.   

I’m going to be writing (in a few weeks) a longer post about the process, but for now … spend some time reading her posts.

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  1. Simon Campbell April 2, 2013 at 07:19

    That blog was right on. Selling a home is not only about price. It is about perception of value. A clean house is a top selling point. Buyers want to feel good about their purchase. If they see a sparkling clean home that is free from clutter, it makes them feel good. If they have a positive feeling about the house, they are much more likely to make a full price offer.

  2. Thomas Shaw April 11, 2013 at 10:32

    I agree with the other commenter, decluttering is a great way to start. Consider putting some pieces into storage to make the house look bigger.

    1. Jim Duncan April 11, 2013 at 10:34

      A storage unit is a seller’s best friend.


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