I wondered in late 2011 what Rio Road would look like in 2016. In a word: busier. And with this news of more apartments, I’ll update my projection to “even busier” … here’s hoping someone’s thinking about planning to implement pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.
I’m reminded of something I said in 2005 about Crozet
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The last two neighborhoods I’ve lived in illustrate 1) the lack of City-County cooperation, 2) the County’s willingness to approve any subdivision without infrastructure upgrades, and 3) the City’s determination to foot-drag and avoid building new roads e.g. (Meadowcreek Parkway, JPA bridge).
Fry’s Springs- with the staggering amount of traffic on Old Lynchburg Rd from southern County condo complexes
Greenbrier- Rio Rd traffic.
On the positive side, Charlottesville just created a Human Rights Council. So maybe your right to not have to wait 5 minutes or 3 traffic light cycles to turn left onto Rio Rd is one of the human rights they’ll defend. I hope those voting for City Council this fall (and, sadly, the election is probably being decided today in the Democratic primary) understand the idiocy of one-party rule.