August’s Note – Disrupting Real Estate and More

I’m finalizing this month’s note and in doing so am realizing just how fast 2013 is flying by.

Last month I talked about the market, the #1 question homebuyers should ask themselves, a life shift and a few other topics (and the note was very well received, based on responses). This month the outline’s looking to cover the Charlottesville real estate market (a consistent feature), disrupting real estate and a recap of some of last month’s more popular stories on RealCentralVA and RealCrozetVA.

If you sign up now, I’ll send you last month’s note to catch you up as well as this month’s note. That’s it. No more. No less.

I rarely publish the note’s stories here on the blog – and don’t publish the archives … so if you’re interested, please sign up to read.

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A quick thought … an agent in another market asked me to tell him more about the how and why of my monthly note … the following is part of my response, but the one thing I left out is that I write this note, as I do my real estate blog, for the readers – the real estate consumers. I know that there are agents and lenders who read and subscribe, and I occasionally debate deleting them :), but the insight and responses I get from them are invaluable.

Why did I start writing the monthly note?

– I’d read a story or two by Chris Brogan about how he saved his “best stuff” for his newsletter. I did a really quick search and I found this post he wrote – it’s not the one, but you get the gist. (update: I think this might be the post that inspired me) I’ve been writing for so long that I missed the personal touch of actually connecting to people and I missed writing for myself, frankly. The email note is a one-to-one communication that I miss with my blog now. I know that I have a fair number of people who read what I write, but I also know that I haven’t been writing as much on my blog of late. The email note has served to heighten that disconnect, if you will, from my blog and monthly note.

In short, I wanted to write solely for people who wanted to read what I had to say … whether that was 5 people or 5000 the goal remains the same with the note – write the best stuff I can for those who choose to subscribe. The decision to not post the archives online was a big one for me, and a real shift in my thinking about the note. The only ones who can read it are those who choose to read it … one day maybe I’ll post the archives, but as of right now I have no plans to do so.

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