Wegmans Finally Coming to Charlottesville

Wegmans will be pushing dirt in March. The plan will go the to Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (never a non-daunting task) on Monday, Chris Stover at the Newsplex reports.

I’ve had clients tell me that they wanted to move to the south side of Charlottesville specifically because a Wegmans grocery store was coming there. Now it’s actually coming. I doubt I’ll go there other than to satiate my curiosity and to tell my clients that I’ve been there.

Is Wegmans better than Trader Joe’s? I went there a couple times after they opened but Stonefield isn’t my favorite place, and Trader Joe’s newness wore off quickly.

That said, being close to “stuff” that matters is important and this is a huge positive for all of the neighborhoods on that side of Charlottesville – Redfields, Mosby Mountain, the soon-to-break-ground Whittington, Mill Creek when the connector road is finished …

Two questions

Will the Food Lion survive?

Why will folks who live on this side of town go to 29 North now?

(Visited 117 times, 1 visits today)

1 Comment

  1. Stormy January 29, 2014 at 13:01

    I was hoping for the Wegman’s, the Costco (bleepin’ Stonefield!), and a Home Depot to all end up in 5th St. Station. I’d never head up 29 North past Hydraulic again except to visit friends or leave town!

    The Food Lions will survive, but they may have to rebrand as a Bottom Dollar or the like. The one on Avon Ext. will have better luck than the one on 5th.


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