Recordings in the House

I remember several years ago showing a house, as we do, making honest and critical comments about the house (my folks ended up buying it), when we looked up, saw cameras, and realized we were being recorded by the sellers. We stopped talking.

Being able to be in a home unaccompanied is a critical part of the home shopping/evaluating experience.

Lots of stuff is said when inside someone else’s house …

Stuff a buyer might not want a seller to hear …

  • The house smells (possibly true, seller could be offended)
  • Their paint is ugly (possibly true, seller could be offended)
  • We’re pregnant; will the new one go here? (private)
  • Mom might be getting a divorce; she can live here. (private)
  • They went to Duke? I hate Duke. (this could influence the seller’s reception of the offer)
  • I love this house! I have to have it. (there go negotiations)

Fast forward about 6 years, and technology has evolved, and the Realtors’ forms have as well.

Think about the recording devices in your house

  • Alexa
  • Google Home
  • Your TV
  • Baby Monitors
  • Security Systems

And maybe be a bit more aware of what you say inside houses.

This is from the updated listing agreement we use in the Charlottesville area




(a)Owner does OR does not have a recording system in the Property. In the event Owner has a recording system in the Property which records or transmits audio, Owner understands that recording or transmitting of audio may result in violation of state and/or federal wiretapping laws. Owner hereby releases and indemnifies Broker, Broker’s designated agents, sub-agents, sales associates and employees from any liability which may result from any recording or transmitting in the Property.

(b)Seller understands that while potential purchasers viewing the Property should not engage in photography, videography or video telephony in the Property without prior written permission, such recordings or transmissions may occur. Seller should remove any items of a personal nature Seller does not wish to have recorded or transmitted. Owner hereby releases Broker, listing sales associates and employees from any liability which may result from any recording or transmission in the Property.


Related: Alexa, Where are the Sellers Moving?

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