Browsing Category Blogging

Citing sources in blogs

This morning I was politely reminded of the need to accurately cite my sources when quoting from other articles….  If I had $17.50, I would purchase the Columbia Guide to Online Style as the MLA seems to be a bit archaic, but that is my opinion.  From now on, I will (try my very best) to cite the site and author.  I think that the link to the article itself should be sufficient for citing the date of publication, but understand the other side of the argument.

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Bloggers summit/code of ethics

Bloggers’ legal responsibilitiesTechnology has always has the edge over regulations and laws…. This is similar to the honor code at my alma mater, VMI, except for one key component in VMI’s – nor tolerate those who do…. Those bloggers who make it a habit of posting libelous or slanderous posts will make names for themselves and respectable bloggers will take note…. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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VA Blogging Summit

I haven’t mentioned this yet, but I am really excited about the upcoming Summit on Blogging and Democracy in the Commonwealth. You can read more about this and some of the attendees here, here and here. Blogs have become quite a force, as evidenced in part by the momentum that the eminent domain issue has been able to maintain and to influence. I look forward to seeing how blogs evolve and continue to exert their growing influence.

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Why do I blog?

I enjoy having an outlet (that may or may not be read by others) where I can exercise my thoughts and my writing skills, skills that need constant attention…. I read this the other day on another local blog; his explanation for blogging is simple and clear, and one that I share.Blogging puts you in the position every sales person wants to be, in direct communication with potential prospects who have a certain degree of confidence in you at a personal level.”With a blog, there is no need for the painfully obvious script that some salesmen use to develop closeness with a prospect…. You can try to put on a different, and better, personality for blogging, but your real personality has a habit of showing through.For those of you who visit regularly, thank you, and I appreciate the time you spend here.

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