Browsing Category Charlottesville

Local traffic is truly a regional issue

An interesting discussion at yielded, in addition to a thoughtful and cogent debate, this link that gives direction as to where the Charlalbemarle traffic is coming from.Who knew that an estimated 99 people commute from DC to Cville?  Continuing to focus on transportation/infrastructure/growth issues on a county-by-county basis is myopic, short-sighted and frankly, silly….  Transportation and infrastructure are matters that are driven by and have a direct impact on the real estate industry and profession.  More vehicular traffic on the same infrastructure will affect our quality of life.

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Free Enterprise Forum enters the Rich Collins fray

I wrote about this case here and here.The Amicus Curie brief fully supports the right to free speech but contends such a right does not supercede the right of a property owner to control his property.  “The issue in this case is not whether the candidate has the plaintiff has a right to speak out about his candidacy, or the candidacy of others…The issue in this case is not the right to speak, but the location at which he can engage in that speech” according to the brief.The full press release is here or below and the brief can be found at the FEF’s website (PDF).Side note from today’s C-Ville -All’s well that’s OrwellWhether you agree with their politics, you’ve got to hand it to the right-wingers for one thing—branding….  The Amicus Curie brief fully supports the right to free speech but contends such a right does not supercede the right of a property owner to control his property.  “The issue in this case is not whether the candidate has the plaintiff has a right to speak out about his candidacy, or the candidacy of others…The issue in this case is not the right to speak, but the location at which he can engage in that speech” according to the brief.“The Free Enterprise Forum is committed to the Freedom of Speech but the plaintiff goes too far in this case claiming the shopping center, which is open to the public, is therefore a public space,” said Neil Williamson, Executive Director of the Free Enterprise Forum, “A property owner does not surrender all of their property rights to the public merely because the property is open to the public.

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Regional Transportation Poll

I am trying out a new feature – a poll to the right.  Our transportation/infrastructure issues are not isolated to the City of C’Ville, County of Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna, et….  If you have the time and inclination, please take a moment to vote ……  If you have any ideas or additions to the poll, please post your comments below.

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Meadowcreek Parkway study

Things that could trip it up -1) Lawsuit requiring the localities to tie the interchange and and the parkway as one large project rather than two separate, independent entities (which it is).  I wrote about this (thanks to C-Ville) last week.2) TheThe Free Enterprise Forum has just released an exceptional study they commissioned by Draper Aden Associates.Neil Williamson, the director of the FEF, said “What our report shows is that an at grade intersection that’s actually a roundabout would handle the traffic for at least the near term while the federal project moves forward through it’s approval process”.If funding gets yanked due to Katrina and now Rita expenses, this study proves that there is a very viable alternativeHarrison Rue of TJPED states in yesterday’s DP:“While I agree with the premise of the report, it will be far better, now that we’ve found the money, to do a timely location and design study and ensure both components of the intersection are built at the same time,” ……  By the time any new studies are completed, they may be on their way to obsolescence as the numbers and environment (as well as the political environment) may have changed.  In short, the addition of federal funds to the mix may present us the opportunity to build the interchange.

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Charlottesville Tomorrow

If pictures say one thousand words, this organization has and will have a lot to say.The press conference held today at the Paramount announcing their launch was attended by several members of their Board of Directors, politicians and, of course, the media….  They are a refreshingly non-biased organization whose goal is to educate the public on issues in a clear, concise manner that will foster discussion, public knowledge, involvement and action.Realizing that young people are not involving themselves due to choice or apathy, yet expect to have conversations about growth, environmental issues, transportation, issues, etc., the site has a blog.  Blogs have proven to be an excellent and efficient format to engage young people and the public in general.Seeing Mitch van Yahres pitch his idea for a Ruckersville Parkway, Meredith Richards pitch and Connie Brennan of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors ask for a regional partnership showed the level of interest and head start this group has already.In the words of Chairman Michael Bills, Charlottesville Tomorrow aims to be “profoundly non-partisan,” provide information that is “lucid, graphic and compelling” and an “advocate that people act.”  Brian Wheeler mentioned the barriers to the public getting involved and their goal to help remove those barriers and that they want to “enable the public to learn more about the issues.”This group has high aspirations, more than adequate funding and superior leadership.

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