“Blink” again with Malcolm Gladwell at Darden School

Malcolm Gladwell spoke about his new book Blinktonight at the Darden School…. There is no way that I can briefly summarizewhat his theories and hypotheses comprise; suffice it to say that if everyone

were to take his ideas and utilize them every day, then our world may very well

be one with far less prejudice and more

The only note I took was

that ‘our snap decisions make up the core of who we are. –  With two kids, a

wife, a dog and a business, I was able to read his book in just a couple of days

and may very well re-read it again soon.

A great talk tonight. A very large stage that was ornate and Spartan at the same moment. Malcolm Gladwell spoke about his new book Blink tonight at the Darden School. Pretty amazing stuff. There is no way that I can briefly summarize what his theories and hypotheses comprise; suffice it to say that if everyone were to take his ideas and utilize them every day, then our world may very well be one with far less prejudice and more understanding.The only note I took was that ‘our snap decisions make up the core of who we are.“ With two kids, a wife, a dog and a business, I was able to read his book in just a couple of days and may very well re-read it again soon. If I can just apply his concepts to my business

Fascinating article here at the Fast Company site.

ESPN’s interview is here.

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