Efficient email

I receive a lot of email. I also send a lot of email, typically between 50 to 100 a day total.

One of the downsides of sending so much email is finding ways to best organize it. I have been trying to do the following for some time. 43Folders is a great site with loads of useful tips for making one’s life a bit more efficient.

You can make it even easier for your recipient to immediately understand why you’ve sent them an email and to quickly determine what kind of response or action it requires. Compose a great “Subject:” line that hits the high points or summarizes the thrust of the message. Avoid “Hi,” “One more thing…,” or “FYI,” in favor of typing a short summary of the most important points in the message:

Typically, I put the transaction name in the title of the subject and the actual subject of the email. If only I had more time to read and digest.

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