Albemarle County BOS elections

Tonight marks the first of several candidate forums highlighting the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors elections. This is an important election, as our County and region are facing a critical time. Several issues of major importance are dominant. In no particular order, but under the sub-heading of Growth: Affordable Housing, the environmental impact of growth, infrastructure, planning and development, water, jobs and last but not least, taxes.

Make no mistake, this is an opportunity to change the direction of our County in a positive way; the status quo is not always the best direction. I encourage all to educate themselves, attend the candidate forums if possible, listen to any available podcasts …  and vote.

Charlottesville Tomorrow provides an excellent starting point for your research.

This election provides also an opportunity to have an impact on the County’s growth. One of the primary complaints that I hear from the public is that they hear about changes in the County only after they have been voted on. Speak up now.

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