Double check your spelling

I don’t know which bugs me more – the misspelling of “privilege” or the fact that I can’t figure out who spelled it incorrectly in the first place. The Daily Progress’ byline is “From staff reports,” and ESPN’s says “Joe Schad.” Both reports say:

“It is a privelege and not a right to wear a Cavaliers jersey and to represent our university and community,” Groh said. “There are certain things that are vital and those things come into sharper focus and are multiplied when you’re rebuilding, as we are. That’s focus, commitment and dependability.”

I think it’s the misspelling. Good on Coach Groh.

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  1. TrvlnMn March 29, 2006 at 00:06

    My guess since both outlets got it wrong in the same place… is that UVA might have put out the comments on a printed press release and spelled it wrong there. Then both news agencies were lazy running the spell checker.

    Either that or someone’s plagarizing someone else.

  2. Jim duncan March 29, 2006 at 07:23

    I know; either way it’s just sloppy.