All the agents wanted my business!

Many of my clients are sounding boards for my ideas, mini-focus groups if you will. The following is a snip from a conversation I had this morning with one of my favorite clients.

Me: Did you know about buyer’s agency before we started working together?
A: No.

Q: What did you do when you wanted to see a house?
A: I’d call the agent and ask if I could see it.

Q: Did any of them explain agency to you?
A: Sure! They all wanted to be my agent. (buh-dum-bum)

What is a Buyer-Broker?
Being Selective (sample Buyer Agency Agreement – pdf)

Competent representation is more crucial than ever, particularly in this market. I am working on a horror story now about the consequences of not having representation. Stay tuned.

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  1. cvillemommy June 19, 2007 at 18:58

    Looking back now, the hubby really feels that without your advice this spring we may have had some major buyer’s remorse. We loved the house, but it was our first bidding war, and we were not prepared. Thank goodness you were the voice of reason. You helped us come up with a fair price that worked for us and we think things turned out exactly the way that they were meant to conclude. Thanks again and keep telling everyone to get a buyer’s agent of their very own. Read people, read!

  2. Jim Duncan June 20, 2007 at 09:32

    That’s one of the nicest things anyone has said about me in a while – and publicly, too! Thank you.

    Good advice should take into account the client’s needs rather than mine. I don’t think that you (or anybody) would be willing to work with me again if I pushed one way or the other.


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