A foray into Albemarle politics

This should be fascinating, educational and overwhelming. The opportunity to participate in the discussion of growth in Albemarle County came about recently, and after a bit of deliberation I decided to take it. Better to exercise my voice and be part of the process.


The Fiscal Impact Advisory Committee (FIAC) is appointed by the Board of Supervisors (BOS) to provide advice to the Board of Supervisors on the development, implementation, and uses of the County’s official tools for measuring the fiscal impact of development. The Committee’s goal is to foster a well-informed, thoughtful, and constructive dialogue on the fiscal impact of development, thereby contributing to rational decision-making. Fiscal impact, in this context, refers to the dollar value of the public costs and revenues associated with development.


Ensure that the assumptions behind the County’s official tools of fiscal impact analysis are open to scrutiny and discussion from a cross-section of community interests

Ensure the community of the credibility of the County’s official tools of fiscal impact analysis, by providing oversight and management as the County uses its official tools of fiscal impact analysis to analyze various growth scenarios and development projects

If anybody has insight or advice, I’m all ears. I’ve got some reading to do.

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  1. DaveNorris September 18, 2007 at 23:21

    I knew it was only a matter of time before you snagged a high-profile public appointment, Jim. The County is lucky to have you on this important committee. Good luck and let me know when we can rope you into serving on a City board or commission as well (with all your free time).

  2. Jim Duncan October 17, 2007 at 12:41

    Dave –

    Thank you for the kind words, and I am sorry for the delay in saying so.