Charlottesville relocation map

There is an awful lot of information that can be found online. Maps are plenty, but being able to fold one up and take it with you is something that the internet has not yet accomplished. All of the relocation packages I send out have color-coded (courtesy of Crayola) maps that highlight some of the most important landmarks and sub-regions of the Charlottesville/Albemarle area. While talking this week to a potential client who may be relocating to the area, I was trying to convey this without the use of visual aids. When I hung up, I had a revelation – why not make a map online?

When searching for homes, I have found it useful to work from a process of elimination. The quicker we can eliminate at least two of these areas, the better the search results will be. An important note is that from virtually every part of our area, commute times are under 45 minutes, which is a tolerable commute for many, especially those who are coming from larger metropolitan areas.

The CharlAlbemarle area is becoming more and more segmented, and I break it down like this –

– 29 North
– 29 & 20 South
– Crozet (West)
– Pantops (East)
– City of Charlottesville

Within the map, I have the Downtown Mall, the University of Virginia and my office location – three of the most well-known landmarks in the area (ok, my office is only well-known to my clients) …

Each section has its own grocery store, (most) have a Starbucks, elementary schools, etc. Frequently residents of Crozet never have occasion to go to 29 North – why would they?

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Also, I have a “Town Center” map.

While it’s pretty neat to have this resource – is it helpful?

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  1. Will November 9, 2007 at 11:39

    re: segmented map – I would say for newcomers, definitely. At work, we recently experienced an influx of temporarily transplanted employees from other sites (from FL and CT, mainly) and I gave many folks a similar map, albeit verbally, to let them know enough about the area so they could start exploring in areas that interested them. Everyone will eventually come up with their own internal “segmented map”, but equipping a newcomer with a commonly accepted “geo-vocabulary” (ie “up 29 a bit” or “downtown”) seems only right-minded.

  2. Pavel November 9, 2007 at 12:04

    Very helpful and the right idea – another example of how technology can be used to enrich one’s home search process. Just think what will be possible 10 years from now using interactive maps, satellite images, etc.

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